Page Information

This is a fun page! :) I've put some of my favorite pictures/projects here for your enjoyment (or critique-i don't care).

Canvas Paintings

Tree Painting

This is a random tree I painted a while ago in acrylics. I call it my melty tree. I like how the colors look together.


This is another acrylic painting I did a few years ago. Those palm trees were harder than they look, man.

Other Projects

Nail Polish

This one! This is a 3ft Del Sol nail polish bottle I made out of cardboard for my 3-D Design class at Chipola. I had to paint it to look exactly like the bottle and display it in the chairs next to the bathrooms for critique hehe. The brush fits inside the bottle!!(also took a long time). I now use this as my nightstand back home and it will be coming with me when I move out lol.


These!! I painted The Great Wave on this pair of white vans for my sister's birthday gift (and then stole them half the time so I could wear them too). This is probably my favorite painting I've done, especially because they are on shoes: best way to elevate an outfit ;) This was during the quarantine when painting your shoes was the best trend going around (along with the whipped coffee).


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